ACAF was established in 1969. We are a community based manufacturing business striving to create more jobs and providing education for our youth through our on-the-job training programs. Your purchases help us to continue to expand our economic development efforts in the community.
The African Cultural Art Forum (ACAF Tribe) opened its former location at 237 S. 60th street in February 1969. Our first line of products were African Art Home Decorations, four color cultural art prints laminated on wood. Our product line increased which includes carvings, jewelry, incense, oils and a variety of other products produced by people from the African Diaspora.
We have the distinction of being the first vendors in center city Philadelphia, with the exception of the pretzel vendors. Over the years we had the opportunity to market our products at such venues as " Penn Relays, Unity Day, Odunde, college home comings, concerts and any place where we find large gatherings of people.
In 1971 we began the production and distribution of "Incense Room Deodorizer". As our production increased we were able to provide products to other neighborhood stores in addition to some of the largest retailers in the Delaware Valley, such as Acme Markets, Super Fresh, Shoprite, Cousins, Fresh Grocer, Shop'n Bag. We have customers in other statesas well as the Caribbean and Africa.
Inspired by the famed "Million Man March" in 1995 ACAF has been located at the former famous "Aqua LoungeJazz Club" located at 221-223 South 52nd Street. Noted for having been a premier jazz club during the sixties into the seventies. In addition to our production facility at this location. For the pleasure of the immediate community and the millions of visitors to the city of Philadelphia. ACAF has a gift store with a wide array of African art. We thank the "Almighty Creator" and appreciate our customers and investors who have supported us to become the oldest business of this kind in the Philadelphia area.
ACAF is currently in the process of purchasing equipment for the production of a soap line that will further aid our efforts to createjobs, and train youth for the economic development of the African diaspora, by manufacturing, distributing and networking.